Stay in the Game! A Grandfather’s Perspective

By Dan Holdhusen, Grandfather of two graduates and two currently enrolled in Blue Valley High School

Stay in the Game!My name is Dan Holdhusen, and I MAY be the oldest member of the Father’s Club. At least that is what I am sticking to until someone proves me wrong!

My son, Brad, has been active in the Father’s Club since its founding in 2018. I retired from an “active” professional life a couple of years ago, but always knew I had no desire to sit on the sidelines, clip coupons and do crossword puzzles. It has never been my style or composition to sit back and act like many retired folks do.

Never “Retire”

A wise person or two have said that you should never really “retire.” Do something productive and invest yourself in things that serve others and contribute to the greater good of those around you. I have found out – firsthand – that being active helps me feel productive and, more importantly, that I can make a positive difference to those around me and in my sphere of influence.

As a former participant in athletics (many, many years ago) I am reminded that there is a similar statement and attitude applies: “Stay in the Game.”

Stay in the Game! Stay in the Game!

Stay in the Game

As an athlete, it was sometimes tempting to think I was not as productive as I could be in contributing to my team’s success when I was on the floor or the field. I would tell myself to accept being out of the action and sitting on the bench, licking my wounds, and letting others contribute to the team’s success. Thankfully, I had coaches and parents that encouraged me to get back in the game and do my best.

The exact analogy is true for my involvement with the Father’s Club.

My wife, Joannie, and I moved to the Kansas City area 12 years ago for the purpose of investing in and being a part of our grandkids’ lives. They all were pre-school or elementary students at the time, but Joannie and I knew we wanted to be an “active” part of their lives and activities as they grew up. There was only one opportunity to enjoy this season of our lives, and we were going to take full advantage of it.

I must admit, that when my son Brad started talking with me about the Father’s Club and the dreams and visions many dads had for students in our schools, I thought it was a tremendous opportunity to get dads “in the game” of being more intentionally involved in the lives of their kids. But frankly, I thought that being an “old dad” and even grandfather, it really was not appropriate or my place to get in the game with a bunch of young, energized fathers.

Nonetheless, my son kept inviting me and including me in different Father’s Club events. I began becoming more active and not thinking of myself as being too old to “jump in” with my son and his peers. As a result of his and others’ encouragement, I have now stepped up to use the skills with which I have been blessed – being an “old” father myself and my years of experience – to assist however and whenever I can.

As one who will never retire, I encourage all other grandfathers who have sons with grandkids who are directly or indirectly benefiting by the good things in which the Father’s Club is involved to “stay in the game.” Don’t ever retire. Invest yourself in a most positive way in the life of your grandchildren by getting involved with the Father’s Club.

You will never regret it!

Stay in the Game! Stay in the Game!

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