By Dan Holdhusen, Grandfather of three graduates and one currently enrolled in Blue Valley High School

The Mission of the Father’s Club is expressed no better than by a group of hard-core dads at Blue Valley West (BVW) High School in Overland Park. BVW has had an incredible and active group of fathers that have been engaged in a number of activities and events as one of the first chapters formed since Father’s Club originated five years ago.

Blue Valley West Father’s Club Shows Great School Support Blue Valley West Father’s Club Shows Great School Support

What does it take to succeed?

A key catalyst of BVW’s success in living out the Father’s Club Mission in support of students, teachers and the greater community has been a constant stream of great leaders. The current leadership team consists of Clay Norkey, Kevin Saylan, Dan Viall, and Danny Mayer. As any outstanding leader understands, these four dads acknowledge they would be unable to accomplish anything without a multitude of dads who have been willing to step up for the good of the cause.

BVW’s leadership has capitalized on the energy and willingness of a large group of dads who have been willing to enthusiastically show up, roll up their sleeves, and, as the Father’s Club Mission Statement declares, “be intentional with their KIDS, with other DADS and within their COMMUNITY.” There is no better example of their intentionality than their sentinel activity to support school spirit and financial support: running the fall football concessions sales.

Father’s Club and football concessions!

Because all Father’s Club financial support is fund-raised, BVW must rely on donations and its own organized activities. A few years ago, the BVW’s chapter was asked by school administrators to assume the concessions sales for fall football games. Clay Norkey saw an opportunity to use this service to raise funds to help support the school. While other donations are used for dad-only activities such as social events and mental-health training, EVERY dollar raised by Father’s Club through concession sales is poured back into the school through a variety of Father’s Club initiatives and partnerships.

The Father’s Club just completed its fourth year of managing the concession sales. The first year occurred in 2020, when school activities were dramatically altered because of the COVID pandemic. Despite the challenges faced by BVW’s Father’s Club – with limited school attendance and restricted programming – the leaders solicited local donations of candy, snacks, and bottled water that they bundled into sacks and handed out to families as they arrived to watch their kids play. It was an attempt at normalcy in an abnormal world. The snack packs were free, but the fans responded with over $1,000 in donations!. The dad leaders knew that, despite that first challenging year, they were off to a great start.

The past three years of concession sales have been crisp, with sales increasing each year to help support BVW programs and events. In order for that to occur, it has taken a massive number of dads and an organizational effort that continues to grow and improve each year.

Blue Valley West Father’s Club Shows Great School Support Blue Valley West Father’s Club Shows Great School Support

The Nitty Gritty

Consider all the work and organization that goes on behind the scenes by West’s Father’s Club members to make this happen:

  • It takes 15-20 dads and sometimes their kids to staff the home concession booth for each BVW home game.
  • West’s Father’s Club also gives other school organizations the ability to raise funds for their own programs by staffing the visitor side stand, which mutually benefits the chapter by alleviating a staffing issue and the participating groups by providing a good return to fund their own initiatives. Cross Country, DECA, Debate, and the Dance Team have all stepped up so far, with others on a waiting list.
  • Volunteers are recruited through word-of-mouth, GroupMe, social media, the chapter’s email newsletter, school-wide principal emails, and announcements at other events. They use Sign Up Genius to ensure adequate coverage and many willing dads have enthusiastically come forward.
  • Enough volunteers are needed for each game for four “shifts” (pre-game prep a day or two before the event; set-up prep just prior to each game; first half through halftime; and halftime through final clean up.)
  • Many volunteers also “just show up” (a Father’s Club and BVW mantra). A lack of helping hands has never been an issue.
  • Dads often have their kids join in to assist with sales, which creates valuable and lasting memories for all. See this blog by Dan Viall, one of BVW’s leaders, which shares his heart-warming testimony of the bond it has created in his personal life with his daughter.
  • Sales inventory is, of course, not a small matter. A core group of dads coordinate, purchase, and deliver concessions for resale for each of the games.
  • The Father’s Club dads also collaborate closely with the school’s football staff who provide freshmen and sophomore players to use their muscle to move beverages and other inventory to where sales occur a day or two before each game.
  • In addition to the sales, the BVW dads distribute snacks to game officials and the flag crew during the halftime of each game, as well as complimentary sandwiches, snacks, and beverages to each official and key administrators following each contest.
  • The dads even established a new West tradition: The Hot Dog Toss! It’s a “signature moment” that has gained popularity at each game. The dads march down the track at the end of the third quarter and toss hot dogs and candy into the student section. The kids love it!
  • Procedures have been put into place that ensure proper handling and accountability of the proceeds before, during, and after each game. Funds are managed with top-notch integrity by the leadership team.

This is an abbreviated list of all the organization and effort by Father’s Club dads that goes into concession sales fundraising to support efforts and programs at Blue Valley West High School.

Blue Valley West Father's Club Shows Great School Support Blue Valley West Father’s Club Shows Great School Support

So, you ask, what is done with the funds raised by the BVW Father’s Club concession sales efforts? The answer: a plethora of remarkable things that support West’s students, teachers, and community, such as:

The Plethora of Remarkable Things

  • Leading numerous Fist Bump for Food (FB4F) events throughout the year to support the students, teachers, administrators, and others that are part of the BVW community. During a recent event, the Father’s Club handed out 1,000 donuts to encourage students during finals week.
  • Sponsoring teacher appreciation events such as faculty luncheons; an annual Faculty Family Night for teachers with burgers, dogs, snacks, and drinks during the spring sports-a-palooza when four or five events happen on campus at once; Morning coffees by bringing in baristas and portable coffeeshops for morning coffees, teacher and staff luncheons; and joining with the PTO to provide teacher-appreciation gifts.
  • Partnering with the Counseling Team to envision and dream up ways to support the work they do with and for the students.
  • Hosting The Jaguar Grill, where dads cook out, hang out, and play games with the students over extended lunch periods twice per year.
  • Awarding mental-health focused scholarships to deserving students who have demonstrated perseverance in the face of crisis and now share their stories in a way that increases awareness and reduces the stigma of mental-health issues, and engaged in other mental-health initiatives for improving, raising awareness, or reducing the stigma of mental-health issues. In 2023, a total of $2,500 in scholarships were awarded to five worthy graduates.
  • Hosting an annual informational night at the beginning of each school year (an event promoted by the school-wide newsletter, Jaguar Journal) to introduce new dads to the Father’s Club and suggest ways they can become involved. This year, fifty dads showed up!
  • Organizing and hosting other “social” events for dads throughout the school year to build camaraderie, connect with and support each other, and even discuss additional ideas of how the Father’s Club can produce innovative ideas or improve existing ways to build on and improve existing efforts.
  • Periodically meeting with school administrators and student leaders for mutual encouragement and to learn how Father’s Club can best serve the BVW community
  • And much, much more.

By being intentional in raising funds with its concession sales efforts and in a variety of other ways, the Blue Valley West chapter dads display the Father’s Club Core Values that have made its mission work vibrant and thrive. Awesome.

By Larry Dollar, Chapter Chair at Kansas City Christian

Father's Club: Kansas City Christian ChapterFather’s Club is all about dads being intentionally involved in the lives of KIDS, DADS and the COMMUNITY. However, it’s not a one size fits all approach. Each chapter is granted full autonomy to step in and engage in whatever ways each individual school needs.

Many schools do First Bumps for Food; tailgates and other social events. But the needs of each school vary… and can also change from one year to the next. As a result, our chapters line up their efforts to support the school in those specific areas. For example, we wanted to share a story about Kansas City Christian (KCC) where they’ve pressed into the needs of the school related to security.

School Security

Father's Club: Kansas City Christian ChapterThe KCC Father’s Club Chapter launched a new initiative in October. Father’s Club dads are volunteering on campus to provide an extra security presence. Dads spend time walking the hallways, being outside during Elementary recess, and checking interior and exterior doors to ensure they are locked at all times.

Dads are on campus throughout the day to not only welcome, encourage, and engage with the students, but also provide additional security support to faculty and staff during recess times. It’s also a great opportunity for Father’s Club dads to get to know more of the faculty and even engage with the kids on the playground for some football or kickball.

With multiple entry points around the school’s facilities, having another set of eyes and ears to observe the surroundings and make sure all doors are locked has been so appreciated.

The feedback so far from administration, faculty, and parents has been extremely positive.

We’re looking forward to continued growth for Father’s Club at KCC! God is good.

Father's Club: Kansas City Christian Chapter

By Jason Terry, Jason Moxness and Mike Davisson

One of the things that is so much fun about being involved with Father’s Club is that it brings people together. This is a story about a series of conversations that turned into an amazing opportunity to watch the KC Chiefs play football in Germany in true tailgate fashion, while eating pancakes and surrounded by a bunch of beautiful Porsches.

Jason Terry’s Comments

Jason TerryI have been working with Father’s Club since June of 2019. What started out as a pro bono website development project has turned into a cause that I am incredibly passionate about. The idea of dads coming together to be intentional with their kids is something so incredibly important! And it makes sense that dads end up supporting each other through the process as well. Today, I maintain the website for Father’s Club, make sure the blog posts are happening and supporting the organization from a technical perspective in various ways.

Jason Moxness and I are close friends. I had been sharing stories about Father’s Club for months and he wanted to do something to support them. He came up with the idea of having a KC Chiefs watch party/fundraiser to benefit Father’s Club, and in typical fashion, he pulled a bunch of people together to make it a day to remember.

Jason Moxness’s Comments

Jason MoxnessActing on nudges is something that I try and pay attention to and this event was one of those nudges. With an idea, some creativity, a few generous friends and a short amount of time we were able to pull together an amazing event. We love hosting parties at the Carriage House Garages in De Soto, but this time I thought – let’s have a party with a purpose! Let’s start with the idea of a KC Chiefs tailgate party and take it up a notch by adding all you can eat pancakes (thank you Chris Cakes!), bottomless Bloody Mary’s (thank you GJ’s Bloody Mary’s and Clear Ten Vodka!), beautiful cars (thank you Porsche Club of KC!) and generous friends and neighbors (you know who you are :)

After serving 250 people, we were able to raise $4,500 for Father’s Club – not bad for a first year event. The Father’s Club Mission Statement is closely aligned with my personal belief system and is an organization that I will continue to support. I encourage others to do the same!

Mike Davisson’s Comments

Mike DavissonPorsches & Pancakes was our first fundraising event outside of our annual golf tournament and what a great event it was! Cool cars; Chris Cakes breakfast; Chiefs football and an opportunity to do life together was at the heart of the event. In addition to added pics on our camera roles; to full bellies and a Chiefs victory over Miami, we were able to share the story of Father’s Club and the impact we are having in our communities. Subsequently, additional dads joined Father’s Club; others became aware of us for the first time and yet others have continued to provide opportunities for additional conversations to communicate our mission.

I personally want to thank and recognize Jason & Paige Moxness as well as the entire Carriage House community of supporters that presented the idea and executed flawlessly on a great event that provided a venue to have fun watching the Chiefs; enjoying community; spreading the story of Father’s Club and raising funds for our mission.

By Todd Milner, Board Member/Director of Campus Development for Father’s Club

Mental Health and Well Being Essentials

This course introduces the fundamentals of mental health and well-being. Participants will gain an understanding of what impacts our mental health, common challenges, and the importance of emotional and psychological well-being. Attendees will lean why this is an important topic to Father’s Club through presentation and group discussion. At the conclusion of the course, we will learn how we can all make a difference in our lives, at home and in our community.

QPR is a suicide prevention training for the participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicide by learning how to question, persuade, and refer people at risk for suicide for help.

Registration Link:


Father’s Club QPR Mental Health Training Announcement!

By Mike Rothwell, Board Member/Director of Community Partners for Father’s Club

‘Tis the season of holiday cheer!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Father's ClubNo matter how you celebrate the holidays each year, we often find ourselves rushed, stressed, and overwhelmed as we try to make the holiday season one we will never forget. We seek to make our lives look perfect, our houses light up the sky and our trees are decorated to the nines. And while many look forward to the twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the sweet aroma of holiday treats, dads often find themselves in the role of Chief Holiday Chaos Coordinators.

This year, let’s celebrate the unsung heroes of the season – the dads who make the holidays extra special for their families and friends. Let us not forget that the Father’s Club exists to help dads be intentional with their kids, other dads and within their community. There is no better time of year for dads to relax, recharge, and truly savor the joy of the season and be intentional with the ones they love.

So here are six suggestions for Dads as we seek to be intentional over the holiday break.

The Gift of Time:

Dads, amidst the chaos of holiday preparations, remember that the greatest gift you can give is your time. Set aside moments to engage in activities that bring joy to both you and your family. Whether it’s building a gingerbread house, decorating the tree together, or watching classic holiday movies, these shared experiences create lasting memories.

Tech-Free Traditions:

In a world dominated by screens, consider establishing tech-free zones during holiday gatherings. Encourage everyone, including yourself, to put away phones and devices for a designated period of time. This allows for more meaningful connections and conversations, fostering a warm and intimate atmosphere that defines the true spirit of the holidays.

Dad’s Winter Wonderland:

Create your own winter wonderland right at home. String up some lights, play festive tunes, and embrace the warmth of the season. Consider starting a family tradition of doing a puzzle, having a game night, going on a luminary walk, or even setting up a hot cocoa station for everyone to enjoy.

Gourmet Dad:

Take your culinary skills to the next level by experimenting with festive recipes. Whether you’re a grilling guru or a baking aficionado, involve the whole family in creating a holiday feast. Don your apron, turn up the holiday tunes, and make the kitchen a place of joy and creativity.

Outdoor Adventures:

Embrace the winter weather with outdoor activities. Whether it’s sledding, ice skating, or a winter hike, getting outside provides an opportunity to enjoy nature and create memorable experiences. Don’t forget to capture these moments with a family photo to cherish for years to come.

Dad’s Downtime:

While it’s essential to be involved in the hustle and bustle of the season, carve out moments for yourself. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in solitude, recharging your batteries ensures you’re at your best for your family.

Be Present

Dads, as you navigate the holiday season, remember that your presence is the best present you can offer. Life is full of chaos and brokenness. Christmas is a time to remember that the brokenness has been restored. Our hope is that you will find a bit of peace in the midst of the chaos. You have what it takes to make this holiday season truly special for both you and your loved ones.

Here’s to a joyous and memorable Christmas season filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of family.

With resolve, humility, and love,
The Father’s Club


By Troy Diehl

Great Things Are Happening - Lee's Summit North Chapter UpdateFather’s Club at Lee’s Summit North High School is off to a strong start for the 2023-2024 school year. This is our chapter’s second year of finding new ways to connect with students, staff and each other. We have so many great dads that care about our students and are willing to put in the time it takes to have a positive impact on our school community.

We like to keep it simple and fun by finding small ways to make someone’s day a little better. Sometimes all it takes is an acknowledgment and an encouraging word or a funny dad joke to brighten someone’s day.

Freshman Orientation Day

We showed up before school started and greeted students with a snack for Freshman orientation day. We also had a table that evening at the Back to School night which gave us an opportunity to connect with other dads and tell them about all the exciting things we get to do at The Father’s Club.

Fist Bumps 4 Food

Once school was in full swing, we had our big kick off event, Fist Bumps 4 Food, handing out nearly 2,000 cinnamon rolls to students as they started their day! We even had enough rolls left over to donate to the local police and fire departments.

Pre-Game Cookout

Great Things Are Happening - Lee's Summit North Chapter UpdateMost recently, we hosted a pre-game cookout for the big game between two undefeated teams: Lee’s Summit North and Lee’s Summit West. We served 200 hot dogs along with chips and bottled water to the fans as they entered the stadium.

Snacks and More

Some of the other ways we have contributed is by handing out snacks during the lunch period, helping with the Lee’s Summit Marching Band Invitational, the TOT Eat program on Halloween and the speech tournament.

It’s been a busy year so far for the Lee’s Summit North Father’s Club and we are looking forward to finding new ways to be intentional with our kids and the school community!

By Dan Holdhusen, Grandfather of three graduates and one currently enrolled at  Blue Valley High School

It seems impossible that we are already into the holiday season and the majority of 2023 is mostly behind us. One of the joys of year-end is the Christmas and New Year holiday season that we can experience with our family and friends.

Another more practical and less anticipated aspect of this time of the year is we are coming to the end of another tax year. It’s time to plan for and complete the infamous IRS Form 1040 (or whatever tax instruments you use) to accommodate annual filing obligations for 2023 income tax returns.

Donate Now

Please consider supporting Father's Club with a year end gift!


Although none of us are anxious to roll up our sleeves to do our necessary tax planning, there is something we can all do to mitigate the amount of tax we pay to Uncle Sam, and, at the same time, advance the mission of a great cause with a wonderful mission. We all have the opportunity to do BOTH of these things at the same time by considering and contributing a year-end gift to great organizations like the Father’s Club. By planning ahead – you can not only support a great cause, but also reduce your tax obligation with a generous year-end gift.

Donate Now

We Are Five Years Old!

The Father’s Club recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of its founding in 2018. The organization relies solely on charitable contributions and the goodwill of those that support the Father’s Club’s mission and various activities. By leading “…with resolve, humility, and love,” a growing number of dads are making a huge and positive difference in the lives of kids and teachers in the schools, the community at large, and by helping dads to engage and grow in their roles as fathers.

As described in this blog, the Father’s Club has been recognized along with other regional and national not-for-profit organizations that contribute to the greater good in the Kansas City region and across the country.

We have experienced some growth in our five years, but that has not come without the willing sacrifices of a growing number of dads. They have volunteered time and energy to make a difference in the lives of others by promoting, supporting, and loving on students and teachers in our schools, being advocates and a tremendous resource for mental health issues for young and old, assisting and connecting parents to excellent resources to help grow their all-important roles in raising their children to be great adults, and a host of other activities.

A Message From Mike Davisson

Mike Davisson, Father’s Club’s executive director, explained it best: “We will continue to be driven and fortified by our Core Values: Putting Others First, Personal Excellence, Integrity, Working Together, Accountability, and humbly Lead Courageously. However, we cannot totally fulfill and be fully committed to our Mission without the generous support of benefactors.

“We strongly encourage that folks with a heart toward our mission, seriously consider a year-end donation to the Father’s Club along with other worthy charities that they support.”
Mike Davisson, Father’s Club executive director

Gifts and donations can come in numerous ways, starting simply with a year-end donation through the Father’s Club website. Gifts can also be provided in other ways, such as through estate planning or stock exchanges, but action must be taken by January 31st for them to qualify as deductions for 2023. Please consult with your tax advisor to determine the myriad of ways and methods available for your choosing. The Father’s Club is an approved 501-c-3 organization and can provide a tax-deduction statement for any and all qualified gifts.

Please consider a year-end gift. Countless dads and those they love and serve thank you for your generosity. Right here, right now, you matter. And any donation you make will further the mission of The Father’s Club in 2024. Thank you!

Donate Now


Happy Thanksgiving from Father's ClubBy Mike Rothwell, Board Member/Director of Community Partners for Father’s Club

Welcome to the season of tryptophan and pumpkin spice everything. This week, we will over indulge as we surround ourselves with family and friends and give thanks for the important things in life. When it’s all over, we will put on our fat pants, watch some football, and take a nap.

For many of us, this is a time of rest, laughter, and being with those we love. For others, this is a painful time as we grieve the loss of a family member or friend who is no longer around the thanksgiving table. Whatever your circumstances this Thanksgiving, please know that you are not alone. You matter.

Happy Thanksgiving from Father's Club Happy Thanksgiving from Father's Club

From all of the Dads at the Father’s Club, may you have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving Holiday this year.

We also want to a moment to look back and express our gratitude for the dads who care enough to make this community thrive. We look back at the pictures of dads showing up and pressing in at their local schools and we simply smile. What a joy and privilege it is to serve alongside so many high-impact men in our community.

We appreciate the hours of service and the dollars contributed to fulfill our mission of creating simple ways for dads to be intentional with their KIDS, with other DADS and within their COMMUNITY. From tailgates, to avid classes, to Fist Bumps 4 Food (FB4F), to cleaning up the school grounds, to halftime hot dog giveaways and beyond, you guys are simply amazing.

Happy Thanksgiving from Father's Club Happy Thanksgiving from Father's Club

We also want to pause in this space to remember our brother and visionary Vince Stephens.

Vince Stephens MemorialThe heart of Vince Stephens lives on in all of us as we pursue intentionality with our kids, each other and our larger community. Vince had a vision of men stepping up and being present. His transparency with relative strangers from day one is still at the heart of why we do what we do.

We are not alone in the battles this life brings. We need each other to pursue excellence and face the challenges we are all so familiar with. Today, we continue to express our thoughts and prayers for Veronica and her family as they grieve the loss of their husband and father during this first Thanksgiving without their beloved.

We hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday and continue to pursue intentional moments and opportunities throughout the holiday season.

– The Father’s Club Board

Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and PresentBy Mike Oppold – Director, Blue Valley Region for Father’s Club

Note: Mike has been active in Father’s Club since its inception in 2018. He has one daughter who recently graduated from BVHS and a son who is currently an active senior at BVHS.

It’s been a crazy, wild ride during my tenure with Father’s Club. From the beginning of figuring out what we wanted to be as an organization and how to best get there as men and fathers, to fine tuning our message and creating impactful situations in our kids’ and fathers’ lives. Despite the Covid years, we worked together to build a truly resilient group of men to lead the Blue Valley High School chapter. Because of these things, becoming involved in FC has been the best decision I could have ever made as both a father and as a man.

How it began.

My personal FC experience started from the very beginning when Vince Stephens and Brad Holdhusen first gathered the BVHS dads together to pitch the idea.

The idea of dads locking arms to impact our kids’ lives as well as building community amongst the dads themselves has had a HUGE impact on my life when I look back over the past 7 years. I was a freshman AVID advisor for my daughter Emily’s class right out the gate in 2018. My main role initially was inserting dads into the classroom to provide career presentations and activities like resume reviews and mock interviews.

I still remember the kids’ reactions when the dads doing their career presentations told them they went to college but didn’t really know what they wanted to do when they graduated. The kids’ heads snapped up from writing notes and you could almost read their minds as they thought “…wait a minute! I DON’T have to have my life all figured out before I get to college?!”

Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present

How it grew.

From there, I stepped into the BVHS Chapter Chair role and worked with 6 men to expand our steering committee up to its current 18 men (many shoulders carry a lot of weight!)

We work together brainstorming ideas of how we can have a more impactful presence within BVHS, then implementing as many as possible in the shortest window of time. Trust me, we bombed on a few and had many laughs as a result; however, we have made a huge impact on the Blue Valley community with many of our ideas.

It helped tremendously to have the support of former Principal Scott Bacon as well as current Principal Golden, not to mention the entire staff at BVHS.

Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present

There are two huge rewards that Father’s Club has brought to my life.

First is the ability to engage with all the kids and have them really talk to you about what’s going on in their lives, and have them shout, “Hey, Mr. Oppold!” when I’m walking around school or a BVHS athletic event. It is evident they trust and respect me and the other dads because we have shown we care.

Second is the community of men that I’ve met and worked with. There are upwards of 50-60 incredible dads that I would have never crossed paths with let alone ever gotten to know if not for my FC involvement.

FC has truly been a blessing to me and my family’s life. If your school has a Father’s Club chapter and you aren’t currently involved, I would strongly encourage you to get involved. It can be life changing. And if there is not currently a chapter at your high school, it might be time to start a conversation about launching a new chapter!

Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present Blue Valley Father’s Club Leader Mike Oppold Reminisces About the Past and Present

By Christopher Caton, Blue Valley High Sschool Steering Committee

Blue Valley High School Fist Bumps 4 FoodOn September 15th, the Blue Valley High School (BVHS) dads showed up for Fist Bumps 4 Food (FB4F)… this is absolutely one of my favorite events of the year.

We handed out 800 chicken and biscuit sandwiches from Chick-fil-A to all the students coming into school that morning. As always, we run out of food each and every time.

We have dad’s at every door, and although the biscuits are optional, the fist bumps are mandatory. Or at least they were at my door… Haha!

This is my second year being engaged with the BVHS Father’s Club FB4F events.

Over time I have learned that I like to position myself at the front door where the freshman get dropped off by their parents. It’s so much fun watching freshmen, who are generally not in the best of moods, get out of the car with their parents and immediately start smiling when they see us handing out chicken sandwiches.

It’s literally a transformation of emotions from the car as they walk towards us, and they have huge smiles on their faces as they say thank you and go to school with completely changed attitudes.

For some odd reason this morning, I experienced a 2×4 to the forehead moment.

Blue Valley High School Fist Bumps 4 FoodI was overcome with emotion and was reminded of why we do simple things like showing up. As I stood at my post in front of the school I saw a student get out of their car, and immediately started smiling as we handed her a chicken biscuit sandwich, while again demanding a fist bump. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see the student’s mother rolling down the window to speak to the group of dads. She proceeded to tell us that the student had just lost her dad and really needed us this morning. She expressed her gratitude and amazement. It was a simple gesture to let us know that we had no idea how much this meant to mother and student.

Everything happened so fast that I didn’t get a chance to get the students name, but I can tell you that every dad in front of BVHS had tears in their eyes for the next 10 minutes handing out fist bumps and food.

Again, FB4F is pure joy for both Dads and Kids, but this day was a strong reminder of why the Father’s Club is so important. For most, it’s just a breakfast sandwich. But for some, it is so much more. The Father’s Club made a difference today… good work dads. Keep showing up!

Right Here. Right Now You Matter.