Five Blue Valley Schools, One Family – That’s a wrap on fall sports!

By Charles Dahm, Blue Valley Schools Regional Chair for Father’s Club

Five Blue Valley Schools, One Family - That’s a wrap on fall sports!All five Blue Valley (BV) School district Father’s Club chapters had a great fall sport season. These chapters supported students and teachers by showing up and making things happen. Fathers were everywhere, actively participating, and had a great time doing it.

Blue Valley Southwest

Blue Valley Southwest Chapter Chairs Dan Paschke and Andrew Kneisler led what must be a PERFECT activity for dads – FIRE, FIRE, FIRE! The BVSW pep rally and bonfire on homecoming week have become a fun tradition with food, games and memorable performances by marching band, dance, and cheer. And what pep rally is complete without a big ol’ fire?!  These dads in cooperation with administrators and the Overland Park Fire Department Fire Station 48 (conveniently located on the BVSW Campus) made memories for these students for years to come. Combined with parade support, grilling at home football games, tailgates and plenty of hotdogs flying into the student section, these guys brought it this fall.

BVSW tailgate BVSW burgers

BVSW fire BVSW fire

Blue Valley Northwest

Blue Valley Northwest is rebuilding their role and rebooting their passion for helping the school, the students, and each other.  Along with Principal Vomhof, the new chapter chair Johnny Johnson re-launched the chapter and then launched some food —  into the student section – hotdogs, fruit snacks, and best (or worst, I suppose) of all – Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies.  The marching band got in on the fun early in the 3rd quarter.   BVNW is set up for success this year with great support from Johnny, Mrs. Vomhof and their amazing Booster Club.

Blue Valley Northwest Blue Valley Northwest Blue Valley Northwest

Blue Valley West

Blue Valley West is among the most active chapters in all of Father’s Club.  Their leadership with fall football concessions is the fuel that drives their philanthropic spirit.  Their fundraising contributes so much to BVW – including scholarships for seniors.  This year these guys, led by Kevin Saylan and Dan Viall, supported 9 football games including middle school, freshman, and JV games. Their concessions model also involves local clubs, teams, and organizations to help share in the fun and earn some cash too.  Congratulations gentleman on a fall sports season to remember.

Blue Valley West Blue Valley West

Blue Valley West Blue Valley West

Blue Valley North

The Blue Valley North Father’s Club has found a few exciting and novel ways to earn some cash at fall sports – pickles and cotton candy!  When you walk into a football game at BVN you’re greeted by Todd Welholter and Chris Whigman … and their inflatable pickles …along with the irresistible smell of freshly made cotton candy.  Who knew that giant pickles on a stick and even pickle juice would be such a big hit?  Hot days early in the year helped with sales.   Even more unexpected is the demand for INFLATABLE pickles.  The students begged them to sell those inflatable pickles – so of course they obliged, and the students walked off with one of their own.  A few students even got in on the marketing and walked the stands holding inflatable pickles and pickle signs.  Nicely done gentlemen.

Blue Valley North Blue Valley North Blue Valley North

Blue Valley High School

Blue Valley High School is THE OG when it comes to Father’s Club Chapters. From a few guys on a deck a few years ago to 35 chapters today!   Their chapter remains a vibrant and integral part of the fabric at BVH and they showed up in force at fall sports this year.  They turned out bigtime to support Homecoming as the bonfire pit bosses, along with supporting the parade.  They also lent their grilling expertise to tailgates for football, soccer, volleyball, teacher appreciation, and even orchestra and yearbook! Cory Reinert and Shaun Reid along with their social media guru, Phil Hazel, led the way and the students appreciated it!  Follow these guys on Twitter (@BVHSFathers) to be inspired by their focus, values, and sheer output.

Blue Valley High School Blue Valley High School Blue Valley High School

To get involved with a Father’s Club chapter at your school, visit the Chapters page on our website.

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