Lee’s Summit West Father’s Club Chapter Wins Volunteer of the Year Award
The Lee’s Summit West Father’s Club chapter was recognized by Dr. Kayla Maid, LSW principal, as the school’s 2024-2025 Volunteer of the Year.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Father's Club contributed 127 entries already.
The Lee’s Summit West Father’s Club chapter was recognized by Dr. Kayla Maid, LSW principal, as the school’s 2024-2025 Volunteer of the Year.
MCAKC presented Father’s Club with a check for $61,145.00. This was the largest amount raised at any single golf tournament event to date.
Father’s Club partnered with corporate sponsor Fidelity Bank for a FB4F event which occurred on November 8th at Blue Valley High School.
Telemundo Kansas City did a story on Father’s Club!
DADS were able to come face-to-face with almost 3,500 students at four Ray-Pec schools in a 40-minute timeframe!
This teacher’s story is just one of many examples of the good that can come when people step up, offer their time, and give from the heart.
As Thanksgiving approaches, it always seems to be the time of year when we take stock, reflect and appreciate everything a little bit more.
On October 24, 2024, Father’s Club officially launched the initial version of our very own communications platform called SparkCRM.
We were recently featured on the Cool Coffee with Kansas Principals podcast with Principal Mike Wiley of California Trail Middle School. Mike shares all the good things that Father’s Club is doing at their school! Listen to the podcast here: https://coolcoffee.podbean.com/e/cool-coffee-9-mr-mike-wiley-california-trail-middle-school/ More about Cool Coffee with Kansas Principals Welcome to Cool Coffee with Kansas Principals! […]
Father’s Club is truly fortunate that Jon Ogren has stepped up and offered his talents to serve on the national Board of Directors.